San Jose, Calif., August 14, 2017 — Inspire Investing is thrilled to make the cut with multi-billion dollar, money managers like Frontier Asset Management and Sawtooth Solutions. Other recent Inspire adopters include Howard Capital Management ($700 million AUM), Virtue Capital Management ($200 million AUM), and Creative Financial Designs ($900 million AUM).
Inspire Investing’s Global Hope ETF (ticker: BLES) has been placed in Frontier Asset Management’s Christian Worldview Global Opportunities portfolio and Christian Worldview Growth & Income portfolio. Frontier is an award-winning money manager with $2.8 billion assets under management (AUM) that prides themselves on their four-step investment process designed to identify superior investment companies. Frontier was named the 2015 SMA strategist of the year by Investment Advisor magazine and Envestnet | PCM. This award highlights the managers disciplined investment management processes and other factors that help drive success. Frontier was named number one out of over 90 competing firms.
Robert Miller, Managing Principal at Frontier had this to say about the decision:
“Frontier Asset Management is excited for a new addition to our Christian Worldview strategies hire list of funds and ETFs. The Inspire Global Hope ETF increases our options of investments in the Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) channel to serve our clients desire for a strategy that is in line with their convictions. It also gives us exposure to both US and International large stocks, which is an asset class we have struggled to find good investments that also pass our Christian Worldview strategy screens. Since the ETF is replicating an index we are more comfortable adding the ETF to our strategies despite the fund being newer with a shorter track record.”
Sawtooth Solutions is a $5 billion dollar money manager that has added 6 of Inspire’s separately managed account strategies to create their biblical investing lineup. Sawtooth is a turnkey asset management platform enabling financial advisors to easily implement their wealth management offering while embedding the pillars of an institutional framework: definable and repeatable investment, sales, and operational processes.
Rich Conley, Executive Vice President at Sawtooth Solutions said “We are very pleased to be working with the team at Inspire and welcome them to the Sawtooth platform as an investment strategist. Inspire sharpens the focus for investors who are seeking an impact consistent with their core values and our goal is to facilitate broad access for wealth advisors wishing to use the Inspire strategies for their practices.”
Inspire Investing is a leading biblically responsible investing firm that specializes in low cost, high impact ETFs. The ETFs utilize the innovative Inspire Impact Score methodology, which measures a company’s positive impact on the world. The ETFs also provide a low cost, convenient, index-based way for investors to create a purposeful impact supporting Christian ministry with their investments.
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